Our Research

The institute has a longstanding and ongoing international academic research tradition. We have been conducting collaborative studies with universities, such as:

  • The University of Edinburgh, UK
  • The University of Sydney, Australia
  • The University of Warwick, UK
  • The University of California (Davis), US
  • The University of Hawaii, US
  • The University of Melbourne, Australia
  • The University of Vermont, US
  • The University of Kiel, Germany
  • The University of Toronto, Canada
  • Rollins College, US
  • Leiden University, Holland
  • Stenden University, Holland

Selected publications

  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Tiliopoulos, N, & Francis, L.J. (2011). The internal consistency reliability of the Santosh-Francis scale of Attitude toward Hinduism among Balinese Hindus. International Journal of Hindu Studies, 15, 293-301.
  • Suryani, L.K., Lesmana, C.B.J., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2011). Treating the untreated: Applying a community-based, culturally sensitive psychiatric intervention to confined and physically restrained mentally ill individuals in Bali, Indonesia. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 261, 140-144.
  • Suryani, L.K. (2011). Spiritual-Hypnosis Assisted Therapy: A new culturally sensitive approach to the treatment & prevention of mental disorders. In S. Boag, & N. Tiliopoulos (Eds.), Personality & individual differences: Theory, assessment, & applications (Ch. 10). New York: Nova Science Pubs.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K., Tiliopoulos, N, & Jensen, G.D. (2010). Spiritual-Hypnosis Assisted Therapy: A new culturally sensitive approach to the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 12, 195–208.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2009). Schizotypal personality traits and attitudes toward Hinduism among Balinese Hindus. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 12, 773-785.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K., Jensen, G.D., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2009). A spiritual-hypnosis assisted therapy of children with PTSD after the 2002 Bali terrorist attack. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 52, 23-34.
  • Strenge, H., Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani, L.K. (2009). Random number generation in bilingual Balinese and German students: preliminary findings from an exploratory cross-cultural study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 109, 1-15.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2009). Pedofil penghancur masa depan anak (Pedophiles the destroyers of children’s future). Jakarta: Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2010). Menembus pancaran mata ibu kutemukan diriku kembali (Re-finding the self through the mother’s eyes).  Jakarta: Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., Suryani,  L.K., Adnyana, T.A.K. (2008).  Penanganan penyalahgunaan narkoba dengan pendekatan biopsikospirit-sosiobudaya (Treatment for drug abuse with biopsychospirit-sociocultural approach). Jiwa,  XLI(2), 1-16.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2008). Biarkan anak berkembang wajar (Let the children grow naturally). Jakarta: Eviexena Meditama.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2008). Hidup bahagia perjuangan melawan kegelapan (Happiness life: courage to overcome the darkness).  Jakarta: Pustaka Obor Populer.
  • Suryani,  L.K.,  Page,  A., Lesmana, C.B.J., Jennaway,  M., Basudewa,  I.D.G., Taylor,  R. (2008). Suicide in paradise aftermath of the Bali bombings. Psychological Medicine, 39, 1317-1323
  • Lesmana, C.B.J., & Suryani,  L.K. ( 2007). Hipnoterapi-spiritual pada penanganan anak-anak dengan posttraumatic stress disorder setelah bom bali 2002 (Spiritual-hypnotherapy in the treatment of children with posttraumatic stress disorder after the bali blast 2002). Medicina, 38, 132-136.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2007). Kiat mengatasi badai kehidupan perkawinan (How to handle the storm of marriage life). Jakarta: PT. Intisari.
  • Jensen, G.D., & Lesmana, C.B.J. (2007). Trance in Balinese culture. Natural Medicine, 30, 128-129.
  • Suryani, L.K., Lesmana, C.B.J., and Jensen, G.D. (2006). Healing the people of Bali through meditation and trance. Natural Medicine, 26,114-115.
  • Suryani, L.K. (2006). Healing The People of Bali Through Meditation & Trance. The South African Journal of Natural Medicine, 26, 114-115.
  • Edge, H., Suryani, L.K., Tiliopoulos, N., & Morris, R. (2005). Two cognitive DMILS studies in Bali. Journal of Parapsychology, 68, 281-321.
  • Suryani, L.K. (2004). Balinese Women in a Changing Society, The Journal of The American Academy of Psychoanalysis & Dynamic Psychiatry, 32, 213-230.
  • Edge, H., Hugh, F., Jeannette, G., McKean, & Suryani, L.K. (2002). A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Volition. Florida Philosophical Review, 2, 56-57.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Michele, S. (2000). Shamanism, Psychosis and Autonomous Imagination. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 24, 5-40.
  • Suryani, L.K. (1999). A Challenger for Bali Culture. Journal of Social Science, 43, 105-111.
  • Suryani, L.K. (1999). Child Rearing: Synthesis of Eastern and Western Concepts. Journal of Social Science, 40, 219-220.
  • Suryani, L.K. (1995). Cultural Factors, Religious Beliefs, and Mental Illness in Bali. In I., Al-Issa (Ed.), Indonesian Handbook of culture and Mental Illness: An International Perspective (pp. 203-214). Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press.
  • Suryani, L.K. & Jensen, G.D. (1993). Trance and Possession in Bali. A window on Western Multiple Personality, Possession Disorder, and Suicide. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
  • Jensen, G.D. & Suryani, L.K. (1992). The Balinese People: A Reinvestigation of Character. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
  • Suryani, L.K., Adnjana T.A.K. & Jensen, G.D. (1988). Letter to Editors. Citicoline Treatment of Memory Deficits in Elderly People. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 3, 235-236.
  • Suryani, L.K., & Jensen, G.D. (1991). Psychiatrist, Traditional Healer and Culture Integrated in Medical Practice. Medical Antrhropology, 13, 301-314.
  • Suryani, L.K., Adnyana, T.A.K, & Jensen, G.D. (1990). Palm Wine Drinking in a Balinese Village: Environmental Influence. International Journal of Addictions, 25, 911-920.

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