The Washington Times Joined The Mental Health Troops

One by one, attention from foreign journalist come across the globe to help bring awareness for mental illness in Bali. “I can’t promise anything but only hope that the news will spread up quickly and wider”, said Marek Lenarcik as the freelance journalist for The Washington Times during his visit with the agent Orange in the north part of Bali. Inadequate mental health system support and insufficient hospital-based interventions leave many patients in restrain or untreated. Outreach services have not been nationally promoted as a means of improving access and mental health outcomes.


“We have to work hard not just for the patients but also to make the policy maker think about the reality in this island that many people still suffering from chronic mental disorders”, said Professor Suryani as the founder of Suryani Institute for Mental Health.

French Television Uncovered the Mentally Ill in Bali

The darkside of paradise finally gained a lot of attention from outside the island of Bali that hide more than 7000 people with chronic mental disorder. The french television putted so much attention for the suffering of the patients. “We couldn’t believed what we saw in the youtube, we thought it was only a joke”, said Sebastien as the executive producer for the project uncover the darkside of the paradise. No word can discribe the feeling after saw the reality of the patients. “Many of them have been restricted for more than 5 years, the family just felt hopeless with the situation”, said Professor Suryani as the leading psychiatrist and the only one that willing to sacrifice the time and heart to help the one that left untreated.


“We will broadcast to many countries as we can, so there will be more awareness and help to the people”, promised Sebastien.

Donation from Denmark Community – Western Australia

After the first visit in July 2009, another visit from Denmark Community in Western Australia continues to donate some fund for Suryani Institute (11/7) in helping mental disorders in Bali. “This is just the beginning, we will keep coming back and hopely to support more”, said Steven and Lorraine Ransley in their visit to the institute. The connection has been made to help the institute in treating mental disorder after SBS broadcast their documentary film “Bali’s Shame”.  The awareness and pressure from outsider is what they need after no attention from the government to make mental health as their priority program. “More than 7000 people are suffering from chronic mental disorder that not been treated for more than 5 years”, as Professor Suryani trying to explain the fact in Bali.

Donation from Denmark Community-Western Australia

Trauma, Terpaksa dipasung Selama 25 tahun

Akibat trauma mendengar cerita ayahnya pernah membunuh salah seorang anaknya, anak-anak yang lain tidak berani melepaskan pasungan terhadap ayahnya selama lebih dari 25 tahun.

Nyoman Bg (Bagia), laki-laki yang sudah mulai tampak tua ini kini berusia 60 tahun. Warga Br Pangitebel, Antiga Kelod, Manggis ini terlihat ramah ketika rombongan LSM Layanan Hidup Bahagia yang dipimpin Prof Dr dr Luh Ketut Suryani SpKJ(K) mengunjunginya. Pihak keluarga pun terkesan sangat terbuka untuk menunjukkan jalan dimana tempat Bg dipasung. Bau kencing dan kotoran jelas tercium ketika memasuki bilik kosong tempat Bg dipasung meskipun terkesan sangat bersih dan jauh dari kesan diterlantarkan. 

Sehari-harinya Bg diurus oleh 2 orang anaknya, Ni Luh Sinar dan Made Rawi dari hasil perkawinan keduanya. “Kami hanya mendengar bahwa ia nyempal anak dari perkawinan pertamanya, tapi kami tidak pernah melihatnya melakukan hal tersebut”, tutur Made Rawi seraya menjelaskan alasannya keluarga tidak berani melepas Bg. Ia menikah sebanyak 2 kali, yang pertama dengan Dayu dari Tabanan namun sudah cerai, dan yang kedua dengan orang Banyuwangi namun juga sudah meninggal 20 tahun yang lalu karena sakit tifus. Bg sendiri merupakan anak ke 6 dari 9 bersaudara.

Sinar juga menjelaskan bahwa sekarang ini memang terlihat sangat ramah, namun kalau sudah kumat tidak ada yang berani mendekat karena bicara selalu keras-keras dan kasar. Sementara itu menurut penuturan tetangganya, Bg sempat bekerja di Restoran Hongkong di Denpasar selaku koki, tapi semenjak sakitnya ia tidak pernah lagi kembali bisa bekerja ke Denpasar. “Kalau kumat, uang kepeng Bali yang asli itu bisa dipatahkannya dengan menyelipkan di jari-jarinya”, tambah Rawi. Selain itu jendela, pintu rumah dan tembok juga tidak luput dari amukannya dan bahkan sempat membakar Pura Prajapati.