It’s nearly unthinkable, but every year thousands of children become victims of crime—whether it’s through kidnappings, violent attacks, or sexual abuse. In Bali many pedophiles impersonate Santa Claus showering children with gifts, toys, clothes and food their parents cannot afford to buy them. For that reason Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) through their Crimes Against Children Unit (CACU) is trying to decrease the vulnerability of children to sexual exploitation, develop a nationwide capacity to provide a rapid, effective, and measured investigative response to crimes against children, and enhance the capabilities of state and local law enforcement investigators through programs, investigative assistance, and task force operations.
“Our strategy involves using multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams to investigate and prosecute crimes that cross legal, geographical, and jurisdictional boundaries; promoting and enhancing interagency sharing of intelligence, specialized skills, and services; and widely offering our victim/witness services”, said Alan S. Nanavaty as the Unit Chief of CACU to Professor Luh Ketut Suryani as the President of Committee Against Sexual Abuse (CASA) during his visit with the other agents to CASA headquarter in Denpasar.
“The Indonesian police don’t do surveillance because they prefer the children to report first, to give evidence. But the children don’t like to report to police,” Suryani says and for that reason she feels there’s a new hope when the FBI willing to step into the problem in Bali. There are likely thousands of foreign and Indonesian pedophiles in Bali yet the Balinese police on average arrest only one every three years.