After heard brief discription of the condition in Bali from Professor Luh Ketut Suryani, Maurizio Constantino who was the operational director and co-ordinator for the Trieste Mental Health Department in Italy finally had the chance to see the reality. He was shocked and amazed at the same time. He shocked to see the condition for the patients in community, but he was amazed to see the work of the volunteer. “Their work really showed the compassion that the patients and families need beyond the medical setting”, said Maurizio.
During the visit, the team had the chance to see one patient that just found by the volunteer and 3 other patients that have been treated and getting better. All of them were in chained and now been released and in their maintanance phase. “I need the families to have understanding that any tiny change is a progress for the patient mental health”, add Suryani to the families as they really want her miracle work. She has to manage her time and the money that most of it come from her own pocket after Bali’s governor cut 90% of his previous budget without any consult with her.
In 2009, the team managed to take care 378 patients in the community with 31% recover without any medicine in the end but the rest still need regular medication as their enter the maintanance stage. For this reason, Suryani has to call a help for the sake of 240 patients that still need her help.